Shestakova Chief Researcher in the Laboratory of Nuclear Astrophysics



Field of Research

Nuclear physics, thermonuclear processes in stars, primordial nucleosynthesis.


  1. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Thermonuclear processes for three-nucleon systems in potential cluster model // Nucl. Phys. 2015. V.A941 P.335-363
  2. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Neutron radiative capture on 10B, 11B and proton capture on 11B, 14C, 15N at astrophysical energies // Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. 2014. V.E23. №8. P.1430012(1-55)
  3. Dubovichenko S.B., Burkova N.A. Radiative n11B capture at astrophysical energies // Mod. Phys. Lett. 2014. V.A29. №7. P. 1450036(1-14);
  4. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Burtebaev N., Alimov D. Radiative p14C capture at astrophysical energies // Mod. Phys. Lett. 2014. V.A29. №24. P.1450125(1-16);
  5. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Neutron radiative capture by 2H, 6Li, 7Li, 12C, 13C, 14C and 14N at astrophysical energies // The Universe Evolution. Astrophysical and Nuclear Aspects. New-York. NOVA Sci. Publ. 2013;
  6. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Afanasyeva N.V. Neutron radiative capture by 9Be, 14C, 14N, 15N and 16O at astrophysical energies // Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. 2013. V.E22. №10. P.1350075(1-53);
  7. Dubovichenko S.B. Neutron Capture by Light Nuclei at Astrophysical Energies // Phys. Part. Nucl. 2013. V.44. №5. Р.803-847;
  8. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Burkova N.A. Neutron radiative capture by 2H, 6Li, 7Li, 12C and 13C at astrophysical energies // Inter. Jour. Mod. Phys. 2013. V.E22. №6. P. 1350028(1-52);
  9. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Examination of astrophysical S-factors of р2H, p6Li, p7Li, p12C and p13C radiative capture reactions // Inter. Jour. Mod. Phys. 2012. V.E21. №3. V. P.1250039(1-44);
  10. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Radiative n7Li capture at Astrophysical Energies // Annalen der Physik 2012. V.524. №12. P.850-861;
  11. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Astrophysical S-factors of proton radiative capture in thermonuclear reactions in the Stars and the Universe. // The Big Bang: Theory, Assumptions and Problems. New-York. NOVA Sci. Publ. 2012. P.1-60; .
  12. Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Astrophysical S-factor of the radiative p2H capture // Eur. Phys. Jour. 2009, V.A39, №2, P.139-143;