General concept of the project

The represented Project is directed to the clarification mechanisms of thermonuclear processes in primordial nucleosynthesis in the Universe, in the Sun and stars and in installations of controlled thermonuclear fusion. The theoretical calculations will be carried out on the basis of unified conception, which have the goal to explain the behavior of the basic characteristics of any thermonuclear reaction – total cross section, reaction rate or astrophysical S-factor for some processes. The understanding of this mechanism allows us to carry out in future the calculations of total cross sections and reaction rates for any thermonuclear processes in processes of the controlled thermonuclear fusion. All developing methods and results of the Project are directly available for explanation of the characteristics of the processes of the controlled thermonuclear fusion and understanding of general regularities of such processes.

Goal of the project

The goal of this Project is in the development of the unified methods of calculation of rates for thermonuclear reactions passing in stars, primordial nucleosynthesis of the Universe and controlled thermonuclear fusion and possible studying of these radiative capture reactions on light nuclei at testing thermonuclear plasma of the reactor.

Problems the project is aimed at

The mechanisms of thermonuclear processes in primordial nucleosynthesis of the Universe, in the Sun and stars and in installations of controlled thermonuclear fusion are clarified in this Project. Based on the modified potential cluster model (MPCM) the theoretical calculations will be carried out, which have the goal to clarify of the basic characteristics of any thermonuclear reaction – total cross section or astrophysical S-factor, and also reaction rate. Such theoretical studies also important for understanding mechanisms of passing processes of thermonuclear fusion in the controlled thermonuclear reactors.
The theoretical calculations were carried out based on the unified model, which have the goal to explain the behavior of the main characteristics of thermonuclear reaction – its rate. Reaction rates of the nucleon radiative capture on light nuclei are the inherent “initial” information for calculations of macroscopic characteristics of the processes passing in stellar and interstellar plasma, and also at early stage of the Universe formation.
The analysis of similar phenomena allows one to carry out calculation of thermonuclear reactions passing in the process of the controlled thermonuclear fusion. The significance of the Project in the national and the international scale is defined by the fact how this Project deal with a problem of the controlled thermonuclear fusion that is very important for national economics and energetics. Theoretical understanding of the processes passing in the thermonuclear reactor is the important step on the way of scientific progress.

Main approaches to the research

The novelty of the study of thermonuclear reactions of the radiative capture in the Sun, stars and controlled thermonuclear fusion consists in the usage one of the most modern approach for research of nuclear and thermonuclear processes. Such approach consists in the usage of the MPCM of light atomic nuclei with the orbital states classification according to Young tableaux and, in any cases, forbidden states (FSs) of clusters [9,10] for calculations of the reaction characteristics. The detailed and systematic calculations of astrophysical characteristics of the thermonuclear reactions in this model are modern and perspective, the work direction is extremely important.

Expected results

The theoretical calculations of thermonuclear reaction rates in stars and primordial nucleosynthesis of the Universe for the radiative capture processes p + 2H -> 3He + g, n + 2H -> 3H + g, p + 14N -> 15O + g, p + 7Be -> 8B + g, 3H + 3He -> 6Li + g, and comparison with data of other authors and their approximation results by simple functions are planned to obtain as an expected results.


1 Научный руководитель Джазаиров-Кахраманов Альберт Вейсалович
2 Исполнитель Дубовиченко Сергей Борисович
3 Исполнитель Буркова Наталья Александровна
4 Исполнитель Бейсенов Бекмұрза Уласбекұлы
5 Исполнитель Ткаченко Алеся Сергеевна


1 Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Shmygaleva T.A. Reaction rate of the radiative p13N capture // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika. – 2021. – V.64. – No. 6. – P. 3. IF=0.625, Q3 USA.