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Head of the Laboratory of Nuclear Astrophysics
Email: sergey_dubovichenko@fai.kz Website: http://www.dubovichenko.ru Phone: +7 705 222 95 30 |
Education, Scientific Degrees and Honors
In 1976 was graduated from the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Kazakh State University C.M. Kirov (now Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi), currently: “Nuclear Astrophysics” Laboratory Head, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences in Kazakhstan and Russia for specialties 01.04.16 and 05.13.18, Professor (RK), academician of Europe Academy of Natural Sciences (EU), academician of the International Informatization Academy (RK), academician of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts (RF), academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RF), academician of New-York Academy of Sciences (USA), Member of the European Physical Society and the American Physical Society, Laureate of the European Gold medal, Gauss medal and the Honorary cross “Merit”, Laureate of the prize from the International Soros Fund, Comsomol prize of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the State Scientific Grant (RK), Representative of the scientific-industrial chamber in Kazakhstan, Representative and founder of the Kazakhstan Department of the Europe Academy of Natural Sciences in the field of physics and astrophysics.
Field of Research
Nuclear physics for superlow energies and Nuclear astrophysics. Thermonuclear processes in the Universe and reaction of the primordial nucleosynthesis.
- Dubovichenko S., Burkova N., Tkachenko A., Samratova A. Reaction rate of the radiative p 12C capture in the modified potential cluster model. Chinese Physics C. December 2024. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S. B., Tkachenko A. S., Kezerashvili R. Ya. Comment on “Detailed study of the astrophysical direct capture reaction Li 6 ( p , γ ) Be 7 in a potential model approach”. Physical Review C, 110, 059801. November 2024. [doi] [link]
- Dubovichenko S. B., Yeleusheva B. M., Burkova N. A., Tkachenko A. S. The reaction rate of radiative n8Li capture in the range from 0.01 to 10 T9. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10. September 2023. [doi]
- Tkachenko A., Burkova N., Yeleusheva B., Dubovichenko S. Estimation of radiative capture 13B(n,γ0+1)14B reaction rate in the modified potential cluster model. Chinese Physics C. August 2023. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S., Yeleusheva B., Burkova N., Tkachenko A. Radiative 9Be(n,γ0+1+2+3+4+5)10Be reaction rate in potential cluster model. Chinese Physics C. June 2023. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S. B., Burkova N. A., Dzhazairov-Kahramanov A. V., Shmygaleva T. A., Tkachenko A. S., Samratova A., Shamitova R. Influence of Resonances on the 11B (n, γ1)12B Reaction Rate. Russian Physics Journal. December 2022. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S. B. n13C Capture Reaction Rate. Russian Physics Journal. August 2022. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S. B., Tkachenko A. S., Kezerashvili R. Ya., Burkova N. A., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A. V. 6Li(p,γ)7Be reaction rate in the light of the new data of the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics. Physical Review C, 105. June 2022. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Burkova N.A., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Yertaiuly A. 12B(n,g)13B reaction as an alternative path to astrophysical synthesis of 13C isotope. Nuclear Physics A, 1011, 122197. July 2021. [doi]
- Burkova N.A., Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Nurakhmetova S.Zh. Comparative role of the 7Li(n,γ) reaction in big bang nucleosynthesis. Journal of Physics G, G48, 045201. March 2021. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S. B., Burkova N. A., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A. V., Tkachenko A. S. Influence of resonances on the 11B(n, γ)12B capture reaction rate. Capture to the ground state of 12B. Astroparticle Physics, 123, 102481. December 2020. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Burkova N.A., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. The role of resonances in the capture of 8Li(p, γ)9Be on the reaction rate of the relevant astrophysical synthesis of 9Be. Nuclear Physics A, 1000, 121842. August 2020. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Burkova N.A., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Tkachenko A.S. New result for the p7Be → 8Bγ astrophysical S-factor from 10 keV to 5 MeV and reaction rate from 0.01 to 10 T9. Nuclear Physics A, 983, 175-194. March 2019. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Burkova,N.A.and Afanasyeva., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Tkachenko A.S. New results for neutron radiative capture on 10Be at energies between 25.3 meV and 10.0 MeV. Astroparticle Physics, 104, 91-101. January 2019. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A. New results for radiative proton capture on 16O at astrophysical energies. Indian Journal of Physics. April 2018. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S., Burtebayev N., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A., Zazulin D., Kerimkulov Zh., Nassurlla M., Omarov Ch., Tkachenko A., Shmygaleva T., Kliczewski S., Sadykov T. New measurements and phase shift analysis of p16O elastic scattering at astrophysical energies. Chinese Physics C, 41, 014001. April 2017. [doi] [arxiv]
- Dubovichenko S., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A. Study of the nucleon radiative captures 8Li(n,γ)9Li, 9Be(p,γ)10B, 10Be(n,γ)11Be, 10B(p,γ)11C, and 16O(p,γ)17F at thermal and astrophysical energi. International Journal of Modern Physics E, 26, 1630009. March 2017. [doi] [arxiv]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Radiative 10Be(n, γ)11Be capture at thermal and astrophysical energies. Journal of Physics G, 43, 095201. August 2016. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. The reaction 8Li(n,γ)9Li at astrophysical energies and its role in primordial nucleosynthesis. The Astrophysical Journal, 819, 78. March 2016. [doi]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V. Thermonuclear processes for three body system in the potential cluster model. Nuclear Physics A, 941, 335-363. September 2015. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
- Dubovichenko S., Burtebaev N., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A., Alimov D. Astrophysical S-factor of the radiative proton capture on 14C at low energies. Modern Physics Letters A, 29, 50125. July 2014. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
- Dubovichenko S., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A. Study of the neutron and proton capture reactions 10,11B(n, γ), 11B(p, γ), 14C(p, γ), and 15N(p, γ) at thermal and astrophysical energies. International Journal of Modern Physics E, 23, 30012. July 2014. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
- Dubovichenko S.B., Burkova N.A. Radiative n11B capture accounting 21 and 430 keV resonances. Modern Physics Letters A, 29, 50036. March 2014. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]