Lead ResearcherField: Computational Astrophysics
Phone: +7 (727) 260 75 91 Curriculum Vitae (PDF) |
Welcome to my institute home page! I am Postdoc in Laboratory of Cosmology, Stellar Dynamics and Computational Astrophysics. I got my PhD degree from Heidelberg University and did it in Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies under supervision of Volker Springel. I am totally keen on the numerical simulations and believe that one day we will be able to simulate entire Universe!
Research Interests
My research interests lay in the field of computational astrophysics, in particular I am focused on the numerical techniques to construct steady-state N-body galaxy models with prescribed properties and on their subsequent use for dynamical studies of disk galaxies (like survivability in dark matter halos, radial migration and spiral arms).
During my PhD I came up with a new iterative method to construct galaxy models in collisionless equilibrium and successfully implemented it in a parallel code GalIC. The code is publicly available and can be downloaded from here.
- Yurin D., Makukov M., Kuvatova D., Gluchshenko A., Omarov C. Applying Zero-Crossing Method for Frequency Map Analysis of Dynamical Systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, 1483-1495. June 2024. [doi]
- Ishchenko M., Sobolenko M., Berczik P., Omarov C., Sobodar O., Kalambay M., Yurin D. Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. III. Interaction rates. Astronomy & Astrophysics. August 2023. [doi]
- Vázquez-Aceves V., Amaro Seoane P., Kuvatova D., Makukov M., Omarov C., Yurin D. Intermediate-mass ratio inspirals in merging elliptical galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 2113-2118. January 2023. [doi]
- Kuvatova D.B., Yurin D.V., Makukov M.A., Omarov Ch.T. Response of the isotropic Hernquist sphere to flattening of its spatial structure. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1, 94-101. March 2022. [doi]
- Yurin D., Kalambay M., Ibraimova A., Mahmet H., Makukov M. Twisted cosmic web as the origin of spiral structure in disk galaxies. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3, 167-178. June 2021. [doi]
- Bibossinov A., Yurin D., Omarov C. Numerical Studies of Astrophysical Objects at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI). Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, 2, 124-134. 2018. [doi]
- Yurin D., Springel V. The stability of stellar disks in Milky-Way sized dark matter halos. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452, 2343-2363. July 2015. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
- Yurin D., Springel V. An iterative method for the construction of N-body galaxy models in collisionless equilibrium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444, 62-79. October 2014. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
- Макуков М.А., Мычелкин Э.Г., Омаров Ч.Т., Панамарев Т.П., Шукиргалиев Б.Т., Юрин Д.В. Моделирование эволюции галактик на фоне темной материи. Астрофизические исследования космических объектов. Под ред. Мусабаева Т.А. – Серия «Казахстанские космические исследования», 10, 136-151. September 2013. [link]
- Vilkoviskij E.Y., Makukov M., Omarov C., Panamarev T., Yurin D., Spurzem R., Berczik P., Just A. Numerical simulations of AGN evolution. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 28, 151-160. August 2013. [ads]
- Just A., Yurin D., Makukov M., Berczik P., Omarov C., Spurzem R., Vilkoviskij E.Y. Enhanced Accretion Rates of Stars on Supermassive Black Holes by Star-Disk Interactions in Galactic Nuclei. The Astrophysical Journal, 758, 51. October 2012. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
- Вильковиский Э.Я., Макуков М.А., Омаров Ч.Т., Юрин Д.В. Расчеты эволюции активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 4, 40-45. 2010.
- Вильковиский Э.Я., Омаров Ч.Т., Шпурцем Р., Макуков М., Юрин Д., Юст А. Численное моделирование влияния диссипативных сил на эволюцию активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 4, 10-15. 2009.
- Вильковиский Э.Я., Омаров Ч.Т., Шпурцем Р., Макуков М., Юрин Д., Юст А. Моделирование динамики и эволюции активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 4, 6-10. 2009.